Conference Paper
Linked data services for internet of things
In this paper we present the open source LinkSmart Resource Framework allowing developers to incorporate heterogeneous data sources and physical devices through a generic service facade independent of the data model, persistence technology or access protocol. We particularly consider the integration and maintenance of Linked Data, a widely accepted means for expressing highly-structured, machine readable (meta)data graphs. Thanks to its uniform, technologyagnostic view on data, the framework is expected to increase the ease-of-use, maintainability and usability of software relying on it. The development of various technologies to access, interact with and manage data has led to rise of parallel communities often unaware of alternatives beyond their technology boundaries. Systems for object-relational mapping, NoSQL document or graph-based Linked Data storage usually exhibit complex, vendor-specific programming interfaces. Paraphrasing the resource concept underlying the RESTful architecture of the Web, we attempt to identify and generalize the main data management tasks in terms of common resource operations.