Insights into the challenges of low-temperature metallization in PV
Title Supplement
Presentation held at Printed Electronics Days 2023, Hamburg, Germany, 12.09.2023-13.09.2023
With further up-scaling of emerging photovoltaics like perowskite/silicon tandem solar cells worldwide, the reduction of precious materials namely Ag and the utilization of low-temperature approaches is gaining major attention. Flatbed screen printing is expected to remain the dominant process for metallization due to cost-effectiveness and flexibility towards a fast-evolving PV market. However, three aspects will be crucial for its long-term success: Firstly, further reduction of screen-printed finger widths remains one of the key objectives to further decrease paste consumption and shading losses. Secondly, shifting the metallization process towards alternative materials e.g. Copper based pastes whilst maintaining the fine-line printability of Ag contacts. Third, improving uniformity of contacts and their curing behavior to enhance overall paste utilization (Grid conductivity vs. paste laydown). Herein, the talk will give a scientific insight into the approaches and recent results within the cooperative work between ELANTAS and Fraunhofer ISE along with their industrial potential.