Identifying current knowledge, suggestions and conclusions from existing literature
Title Supplement
Work Package 3 - Task 3.1
Several barriers limit energy efficiency policy evaluation. This results in a lack of quantitative data, and impedes evidence-based analysis required to distinguish effective from ineffective energy efficiency policies. EPATEE aims at tackling this problem by raising the capacity of policymakers and implementers. The project provides them both with tools and with practical knowledge to make effective impact evaluation an integral part of the policy cycle. EPATEE makes use of existing evaluation experiences in a range of instruments, such as energy efficiency obligation schemes, regulations, financial incentives and voluntary agreements. Experience sharing is the core of the project. Lessons learnt from other EU initiatives and good practices in how to successfully evaluate the impact and cost-effectiveness of such energy efficiency policies will provide the basis for the development of guidelines and good practice evaluation tools. For further information please visit our website: www.epatee.eu. This report briefly describes the use and content of the Knowledge Base - an accessible online data base on policy evaluation studies. References to certain issues such as free-rider effects are provided in the corresponding review sections. In addition, the report takes upsome insights gained from reviewing the evaluation studies listed in the Knowledge Base. One key issue is the purpose of evaluations and the corresponding energy savings assessed. Another key issue is efficiency or cost effectiveness, as this metric relies on the type of costs and energy savings. Finally, the scope of the evaluation is extended to further impacts of energy efficiency measures, with a particular focus on macroeconomic impacts, their meaning and comparability.