Conference Proceeding
MoDeVVa 2011, Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation
Title Supplement
October 17th, 2011 Wellington, New Zealand.
Models are purposeful abstractions of any artifact at an arbitrary abstraction level. They can serve several purposes and bear several advantages. For instance, they allow humans to understand complex systems, to validate requirements expressed as a formal model, or to generate big parts of system implementations or tests. Obviously, this can results in reduced system engineering effort. As a consequence, the usage of models, model transformations, and code generation is becoming more and more important for industrial applications. Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is a development methodology that is based on models, meta-models, and model transformations - it is one of the most important representatives for the application of models. Currently there is growing tool support for models, (domain-specific) graphical or textual modeling languages, model transformations, and code generation. The constant pace at which scientific and industrial development of MDE-related techniques moves forward shows that MDE is still quickly changing and that new approaches and corresponding issues arise frequently. Most important, there is crucial need for validation and verification (V&V) techniques in the context of MDE. The other way round, MDE is used to support many V&V activities like, e.g., model-based testing.