Journal Article
Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Methods for PDE Constrained Shape Optimization Based on Steklov-Poincaré-Type Metrics
Shape optimization based on shape calculus has received a lot of attention in recent years, particularly regarding the development, analysis, and modification of efficient optimization algorithms. In this paper we propose and investigate nonlinear conjugate gradient methods based on Steklov--Poincaré-type metrics for the solution of shape optimization problems constrained by partial differential equations. We embed these methods into a general algorithmic framework for gradient-based shape optimization methods and discuss the numerical discretization of the algorithms. We numerically compare the proposed nonlinear conjugate gradient methods to the already established gradient descent and limited memory BFGS methods for shape optimization on several benchmark problems. The results show that the proposed nonlinear conjugate gradient methods perform well in practice and that they are an efficient and attractive addition to already established gradient-based shape optimization algorithms.