Master Thesis
Integration von VO-Management Technologien in UNICORE
Reliable authentication and authorisation are crucial for both service providers and their customers, where the former want to protect their resources from unauthorised access and fraudulent use while their customers want to be sure that unauthorised access to their data is prevented. In Grid environments Virtual Organisations (VO) have been adopted as a means to organise and control access to resources and data based on roles that are assigned to users. Moreover, attribute based authorisation has emerged providing a decentralised approach with better scalability. Up to now UNICORE authentication and authorisation is based on X.509-certificates only. In this master thesis we will present two implementational solutions to integrate both role or attribute based authorisation using VOMS and attribute based authorisation using Shibboleth into UNICORE.
Thesis Note
Gummersbach, FH, Master Thesis, 2007
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