Conference Paper
Adaptive planning - needs and strategies for indicator based adaptive planning
Resilience has become a central buzzword for all activities performed by cities to handle potential disruptions and changes of social, economic as well as ecological nature. Especially the increasing consequences of cli-mate change are challenging city governments in ensuring resilience nowadays. Understanding adaptability as a key component of resilience, a lot of cities are implementing substantive measures in order to be more adapt-able to disasters. Unfortunately these measures are not able to enhance the adaptability of a city itself; rather they just adapt certain components to anticipated risks. In this context, this paper provides a concept for adaptive planning, helping cities to establish adaptable governmental planning procedures and therefore to be more resilient towards disasters. This concept combines the approaches of adaptive management and adaptive government with the concept of indicator based decision making. Thereby resilience-oriented indicators will be monitored, controlling the need for the adaption of processes and procedures.