Conference Paper
The determination of the transistor dynamic I-V characteristic from large signal RF measurements
Other Title
Bestimmung des dynamischen Transistor-Ausgangskennlinienfeldes (HF I-V) aus Großsignalmessungen
An analysis technique has been developed that allows for the determination of the transistor dynamic IN characteristics (RFI-V) directly from CW large signal RF measurements. A key feature of this technique is that R is performed under RF operation conditions similar to those found in power amplifiers under CW RF drive conditions. Investigations have shown that these dynamic RF I-Vs are independent of initial DC bias conditions and RF drive level for the MODFET structures investigated in this paper. These dynamic RF I-Vs can be directly compared with DC IVs to allow for the investigation of phenomena's like dispersion, RF breakdown and thermal effects etc.. To demonstrate their potential capability in the area of non-linear modelling these RF Ws have been used for non-linear parameter extraction of a relatively simple large signal model. A good comparison between the simulated and measured large signal behavior even for the higher harmonies has been achieved.