Der Elektrizitätsmarkt in Bulgarien
Title Supplement
Working Paper 2013
Das Papier basiert auf einer Studie von Paul Schmitz, die am Fraunhofer MOEZ auf Grundlage eines dreimonatigen Institutionenpraktikums im Wirtschaftsreferat der Deutschen Botschaft in Sofia entstanden ist. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Studie stehen die Probleme im bulgarischen Energiesektor, die die Entwicklung eines effizienten Marktes für Strom behindern, der gleichsam das Interesse der Verbraucher und das der Stromanbieter berücksichtigen würde.
This working paper examines the organisation and regulation of the electricity market in Bulgaria. With regard to the state of the Bulgarian energy sector and the mass protests in the beginning of 2013 the study focuses on the problems of price formation - from the view point of consumers as well as electricity companies. Bulgarian consumers pay the lowest power price in the European Union. Expressed in terms of purchasing power parities however, it's one of the highest. At the same time, some of the power companies are forced to sell electricity at sub-cost prices on the regulated part of the market, even at today's price level. This makes further price cuts economically unsustainable. This refers also to renewable energy production which was booming during the last 1 to 2 years and for whose high cost still no proper compensation mechanism could be established. In these circumstances, the most reasonable solution seems to be quantitative adaption, since price cuts don't seem to be feasible. The Bulgarian government could direct their resources into measures for the improvement of energy efficiency among electricity consumers.
Corporate Author
Fraunhofer-Zentrum für Mittel- und Osteuropa -MOEZ-, Leipzig
Fraunhofer MOEZ
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