Journal Article
Optical Characterization of Al Island Films: A Round Robin Test
The determination of the effective optical constants of metal island films is an essential step towards the practical incorporation of this kind of films in optical coatings. In this work, the optical properties of aluminium island films deposited by electron beam evaporation on quartz substrates are investigated using different approaches employed by three research groups. The effective optical constants of the island films are inferred from optical measurements (spectrophotometry and spectroscopic ellipsometry) using: (i) a parameter-free dispersion model, (ii) a multiple oscillator model based on Gaussian line-shapes and (iii) the (Formula presented.) distributed oscillator model. All the used approaches provide similar physical insights, i.e., an increase in the effective thickness of the metal island film, a red-shift and broadening of the plasmon resonance and an enhancement of the infrared absorption as the amount of deposited material increases. However, the optimal values of the effective optical constants and thickness significantly depend on the employed model and the experimental data used for data fitting.