Conference Paper
A generic approach for comparing input filter efforts of voltage- and current source converters
Matrix converters are said to redeem the very well established DC-link converter in some fields of application. One general idea behind the matrix converter approach is the absent DC-link capacitor which is referred as one reason for the matrix converter being superior to the DC-link converter regarding its size and lifespan. On the other hand, the input filter of the matrix converter is said to be larger than the input filter of DC-link converters undermining the afore mentioned advantage of the matrix converter concerning the size. In this paper a general approach regarding the input filter design is applied to both converter types to perform a fair-handed filter comparison which also takes into account the parasitic series resistances of the reactances. A first theoretical investigation based on a simplified spectrum is performed for a DC-link converter and a matrix converter both designed for 3 kVA apparent output power.