Journal Article
Quantum-inspired terahertz spectroscopy with visible photons
Terahertz technology offers solutions in nondestructive testing and spectroscopy for many scientific and industrial applications. While direct detection of photons in this frequency range is difficult to achieve, quantum optics provides a highly attractive alternative: it enables the characterization of materials in hardly accessible spectral ranges by measuring easily detectable photons of a different spectral range. Here we report on the application of this principle to terahertz spectroscopy, measuring absorption features of chemicals at sub-terahertz frequencies by detecting visible photons. To generate the needed correlated signal-idler photon pairs, a periodically poled lithium niobate crystal and a 660 nm continuous-wave pump source are used. After propagating through a single-crystal nonlinear interferometer, the pump photons are filtered by narrowband volume Bragg gratings. An uncooled scientific CMOS camera detects the frequency-angular spectra of the remaining visible signal and reveals terahertz-spectral information. Neither cooled detectors nor expensive pulsed lasers for coherent detection are required.