Book Article
Integrated air cargo hub (IACH) - the air cargo transport chain of the future
Nowadays the role of international airports as major nodes within the transport chain between production sites and international marketplaces becomes increasingly important. The air cargo transport chain is characterized by a labor divided but collaborative organization, driven by cargo peaks over time [1] [2]. However, the companies involved, are still planning and optimizing their individual processes independently [3]. The lack of coordination and communication among each other, the individuality of their processes and missing information are some of the reasons why the constantly growing air cargo logistics locations are becoming increasingly complex and inefficient. Within the past 20 years the average duration of air cargo has not changed significantly. Within the joint research project "Integrated Air Cargo Hub" (IACH), new methods and common procedures are being developed in order to consolidate the interfaces between all participants of the air cargo transport chain and their actions respectively processes. The project 's goal is to improve the efficiency of the air cargo transport chain overall. The focal point is set upon the information flow between the participants and their handling-processes in particular. The field of research is been chosen and defined by Frankfurt Main airport, as the largest air cargo hub in Europe. The present report shows the selected approach and the first results of this governmental funded project.