Conference Proceeding
Electronics Goes Green 2000+. A Challenge for the Next Millenium. Proceedings. Vol. 2: Special Lectures
Global problems cannot be solved with-out the fast world-wide distribution of knowledge. Information and communication technologies can and must prepare the ground for this development. Only with their help can the resource productivity be considerably increased. Key terms in this context are miniaturization, digitalization and the reduction of harmful substances. The international congress Electronics Goes Green 2000+ for the first time united the three leading congresses worldwide to take stock of problems associated with electronics and the environment. Furthermore, experts from the technological as well the environmental realm discussed new ideas for sustainable electronic products and processes. This second volume contains the Invited Lectures. Representatives from politics and industry give their view of necessary change. Keynote Lectures concentrate on the presentation of specific technological and scientific aspects. Trend-setting initiatives from all over the world lead ways to a sustainable future. The concluding panel discussion summarizes the viewpoints of speakers from the realms of politics, science and industry, representing different economic regions of the world.