Research and innovation challenges in data protection, security and privacy in the cloud
Title Supplement
Map of synergies of the clustered projects - version 2.0
The present open access document aims to depict the map of research topics and innovations of the projects in the Data Protection Security and Privacy in the Cloud cluster (from now on DPSP cluster for short). The DPSP cluster includes projects and actions on Cloud partially funded by the European Commission through the H2020-LEIT-ICT, FP7-Collaboration-ICT, and CIP-ICT-PSP programmes. The document summarizes the objectives and research topics of the projects in the cluster and identifies the common topics of interest, the common used technologies and tools, the common development directions, and the commonly used standards. This information serves to identify the synergies between the projects in the form of key topics for collaborations and take-up's between the projects and actions. Therefore, the document is called the Map of synergies of the clustered projects.
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