Laminated multilayer for thermal shock resistant refractories based on the material system calcium-aluminate
Title Supplement
Presented at the 54. International Colloquium on Refractories 2011, October 19th and 20th, 2011, EUROGRESS, Aachen, Germany
Refractories play a key role in all high temperature applications and cover all the strategic industries such as steel, cement, glass, petrochemicals, energy plants etc. Most of the known refractory materials based on a high carbon content to guarantee good thermoshock behaviour. But the use of carbon cause in different problems. First the good thermal conductivity of the carbon results in a high loss of heat and high costs for heating. Also the oxidation stability is inferior to the oxidation stability of carbon-free refractories. At the Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems the principle of manufacturing of carbon-free refractory components by multilayer technology is investigated within the framework of the DFG SPP Fire. The material is Ca-aluminate/Al2O3. The man ufacturing of multilayer composites by aqueous ceramic tape technology allows the production of components with large dimensions and gradient structures regarding porosity and phase composition, which will yield to improved thermal shock properties of the materials. The presentation will show the results of different characterization techniques for laminated and sintered multilayer. The porosity of the sintered multilayer is characterized by an electron microscope on cross-sections and by buoyancy-flotation method. The mechanical characterization is done by measurement of 4-point-bending strength on virgin samples and samples which were shocked with different temperature differences. Also the influence of the porosity on the mechanical behaviour was investigated. A computer tomography sc anner allows looking for possible delaminations between the different tapes to identify possible weak spots.