Conference Paper
SEM based EBIC, EBAC, and E-Beam probing Techniques
Electron Beam related Fault Isolation is a powerful method to extend existing localization methods like EMI, OBIRCH and Lock-in Thermography Using the electron beam as local current source enables a low power dissipation (pW) during measurements thus preserve the original defect structure (e.g. nm sized resistive defects and shorts in thin oxides) EBIC can be used to investigate pn-junctions ⁃ in microelectronics and photovoltaics, in vertical and plan view EBAC is well established for open and short localization in metal networks ⁃ It provides nowadays the possibility to detect thin oxide breakdowns and weaknesses with sub µm resolution E-Beam probing allows an investigation of full functional IC's on metal lines at frontside or single transistors after backside preparation ⁃ Static signals by imaging and dynamic signals in SEM spot mode.