ATS. Advertisement Transmission System. Version 0.9: Concepts
Title Supplement
Nov. 10, 1995
The ATS package is a part of the proof-of-concept implemetation according to "IFRA Special Report 6.14.4", funded by IFRA, Washingtonplatz, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany. The ATS package was implemented on the two platforms WINDOWS NT and Macintosh. Due to timely constraints, the implementation was done on each platform independently. The source code of the API described herein copmiles on WINDOWS NT and should be easily ported to the Macintosh platform. Most of the sources have been compiled on a Macintosh already, but as a part of the ATS package the sources described within this document are not inteded to be compiled on a Macintosh. However, the API itself is supposed to be platform-independent. For a description of the basic concepts, see the manual Concepts. The ATS package consists of the ATS module, which is based on several modules, of which some are called base modules and some higher level modules. The description in the reference manual allows to unerstand the usage of each indi vidual function of the modules. But, nevertheless, the basic concepts on how these funcitons are used in combination need to be described separately, which is done here. The only modules, which are used by (nearly) every module are the rror module (ERR), the debug module (DBG) and the option module (OPT). These modules are associated with the tasks Error handling, Debugging and Option parsing. These tasks have several implications on all of the other modules. For this reason, they are described in more detail here. For all other module the reference manual should be considered.
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