Conference Paper
Surface Hygiene - special application of UVC-irradiation
In order to ensure a hygienic safe status of material surfaces, e. g. in public restrooms, chemical disinfectants are used. The broad and regular use of these biocidal substances may pose adverse effects on human health, because compounds may get in contact with the human body. In addition, some disinfecting substances may be flammable or may have corrosive effects on certain materials. An effective, safe and fast approach as an alternative to chemical methods is surface disinfection by UVC-irradiation. In the present study an UVC-irradiation source was tested in laboratory experiments, including field sampling, for its capability to improve the hygienic status of different surfaces. Our results provide a recommendation for a general function for the efficacy in reducing the bacterial contamination. A responsible application of UVC-irradiation may significantly reduce bacterial counts on surfaces within a relatively short time and this effective way of decontaminating surfaces could supplement hygienic measures.