Journal Article
Metamorphic HEMT MMICs and modules operating between 300 and 500 GHz
In this paper, we present the development of submillimeter-wave monolithic integrated circuits (S-MMICs) and modules for use in next-generation sensors and high-data-rate wireless communication systems, operating in the 300-500-GHz frequency regime. A four-stage 460-GHz amplifier MMIC and a 440-GHz class-B frequency doubler circuit have been successfully realized using our 35-nm InAlAs/InGaAs-based metamorphic high-electron mobility transistor (mHEMT) technology in combination with grounded coplanar circuit topology (GCPW). Additionally, a 500-GHz amplifier MMIC was fabricated using a more advanced 20-nm mHEMT technology. To package the submillimeter-wave circuits, a set of waveguide-to-microstrip transitions has been fabricated on both 50- m-thick quartz and GaAs substrates, covering the frequency range between 220 and 500 GHz. The E-plane probes were integrated in a four-stage 20-nm cascode amplifier circuit to realize a full -band (220 to 325 GHz) S-MMIC amplifier module with monolithically integrated waveguide transitions.