Journal Article
Optimal allocation and sizing of dynamic var sources using heuristic optimization
This paper addresses the problem of joint optimal allocation and sizing of dynamic Var sources (ODynVarS) for short-term dynamic performance enhancement of power systems. A heuristic optimization based approach is proposed with the aim of achieving a desirable performance under multiple contingencies with respect to a reference short-term voltage response. Based on a pre-selected set of credible contingencies and potential candidate locations for device additions, the approach employs the mean-variance mapping optimization (MVMO) in combination with an integrated mixed-integer search strategy (IMIS) and two intervention schemes, to accelerate and guide the search process towards a techno-economically optimum solution. The first intervention is performed at fitness evaluation stage to screen economic solutions which entail technical feasibility and to reduce computational effort. IMIS and the second intervention is concerned with MVMO's knowledge management, which facilitates the search for solutions comprising a small number of devices with relatively large VAr capacity. The approach is tested using the IEEE 39-bus New England system.