Conference Paper
Design and modelling of large deflection micromechanical 1D and 2D scanning mirrors
Design and modelling aspects of torsional 1D and 2D Micro Scanning Mirrors are presented. During the oscillation of the mirror plate the inertial moment gives rise to a deformation of the plate. This dynamic deformation results in a defocusing of the reflected laser beam. Therefore, the scan frequency of a device with a given size of the mirror plate and deflection angle is limited. Further restrictions arise from the demanded mechanical robustness like resistivity against shock and torsional stress. This leads to a minimum eigenfrequency of the device which in the case of a rectangular shaped spring is proportional to the width of the spring. To enable a single mode operation it is advantageous that the torsion around the springs is the lowest mode sufficiently separated from all others. A FEM-analysis has been carried out to determine the mode sequence of a 1D and 2D Micro Scanner respectively. The analytical calculated eigenfrequencies agree well with the numerical determined. Taken into account the results of the analytical and numerical investigations several 1D and 2D Micro Scanning Mirrors have been designed and fabricated. The mirror and the springs are defined in a 20 to 30 µm thick single crystal silicon layer. The results of the experimental investigations with respect to the shock resistivity and the long run behaviour prove the suitability of the modelling.