Guideline for financing agricultural biogas projects - Training material for biogas investors
Title Supplement
D.3.7, WP 3
There are many good reasons to implement a biogas plant ranging from environmental protection and waste reduction to renewable energy production. It can also include financial and non-financial incentives. Nevertheless, investors of biogas projects should be well informed about different legal requirements and financing possibilities. The guideline will help to analyse a potential biogas investment by describing its most important steps. The guideline starts with the project idea and a first feasibility check of the project. The chapter financing inquiry informs about all necessary information banks need to evaluate the financing volume and risks of projects. An economic calculation provides an overview about costs and revenues of a biogas plant. Furthermore, a sensitive analysis informs about cost positions mainly influencing the overall profitability of a biogas project. For further information on financing options and revenues from biogas plants please also see the best practice report ""Examples for financing of biogas projects in Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Denmark and Italy""1 as well as the reports ""Criteria to assess biogas investments: Guidelines for financing institutes and investors""2 and ""Options for financing biogas plants""3 which were elaborated in the framework of the BiogasIN project.
Fraunhofer IWES
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