Conference Paper
Automatic pharynx segmentation from MRI data for obstructive sleep apnea analysis
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a public health problem. Volumetric analysis of the upper airways can help us to understand the pathogenesis of OSA. A reliable pharynx segmentation is the first step in identifying the anatomic risk factors for this sleeping disorder. As manual segmentation is a time-consuming and subjective process, a fully automatic segmentation of pharyngeal structures is required when investigating larger data bases such as in cohort studies. We develop a context-based automatic algorithm for segmenting pharynx from magnetic resonance images (MRI). It consists of a pipeline of steps including pre-processing (thresholding, connected component analysis) to extract coarse 3D objects, classification of the objects (involving object-based image analysis (OBIA), visual feature space analysis, and silhouette coefficient computation) to segregate pharynx from other structures automatically, and post-processing to refine the shape of the identified pharynx ( including extraction of the oropharynx and propagating results from neighboring slices to slices that are difficult to delineate). Our technique is fast such that we can apply our algorithm to population-based epidemiological studies that provide a high amount of data. Our method needs no user interaction to extract the pharyngeal structure. The approach is quantitatively evaluated on ten datasets resulting in an average of approximately 90% detected volume fraction and a 90% Dice coefficient, which is in the range of the interobserver variation within manual segmentation results.