Conference Paper
A study on problems related to the overall migration methodology for olive oil at high temperatures
Measuring the overall migration from ploymers using the olive oil method can lead to oil absorption problems at higher temperatures. Interactions between test specimen and olive oil may occur. These are influenced by the polarity of the polymer simulant system and the physical properties of the polymer and are not predictable. This can lead to high overestimation of the overall migration because of oil absorption in the polymer. To investigate this problem, systematic overall migration testing was carried out using polypropylene materials in the range of the critical temperatures for PP. For comparison and alternative test reasons, overall migration testing was carried out under the same conditions but using Tenax® as simulant. Tenax® is known to have no interactions with test specimen. Whereas extreme olive oil absorption in the polymer starts between 115 and 120°C and leads to a high overestimation of the overall migration value, the overall migration value determined with Tenax® at the same temperatures lead to realistic overall migration values.