Bachelor Thesis
Evaluation of data model update strategies
In recent years, Model Driven (Software) Development (MDD) gained in popularity. Model Driven Development uses models not only as documentation artifacts. In fact, models represent the whole software system. The transformation between models is the backbone in MDD. Without transformation there is no way to do something with a model. There exist two kinds of transformations: first of all transformations from one type of model into another model type - for example generation executable source code with a model. Secondly, transformations between models, where the source and the target model belong to the same type. This kind of transformation is necessary in case of refactoring. This bachelor thesis deals with the refactoring of the PuLSE Common Architecture framework developed by Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE). The refactoring - or evolution - of a metamodel requires the adaptation of all models which use this metamodel. There are several tools building on the Common Architecture which have to be adapted to the changes done in the refactoring. These tools use models in order to manage their persistently stored data model. Of course, these data models have also to be adapted to the refactoring of their metamodels. Scope of this thesis is the evaluation of existing data model update strategies and tool which support the update process. Depending on these evaluations we integrate the chosen strategy into the Common Architecture and implement this strategy with the best suitable tool.
Thesis Note
Kaiserslautern, TU, Bachelor Thesis, 2009
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