Conference Paper
Correlation bundle statistics in fMRI data
Traditionally fMRI data analysis aims at identifying brain areas in which the amplitude of the BOLD signal responds to experimental stimulations. However, since the brain acts as a network, we would expect differential effects on network topology. Therefore, the target of statistical inference should not only be individual voxels or brain areas but rather network connections. Here we introduce a new approach to correlation-based statistics in fMRI. At the heart of our approach is the concept of correlation bundles as a functional analogy to anatomical fibre bundles. Statistical tests are applied to these bundles using large-scale inference methods such as FDR. We call this approach correlation bundle statistics (CBS). In contrast to previous correlation-based approaches to fMRI statistics, CBS does not require a presegmentation or smoothing of the data so that anatomical specificity is preserved. The result of a CBS analysis is not a set of voxels or brain regions but rather a set of correlation bundles that are found to be significantly affected by some experimental manipulation.