Conference Paper
NewATHENA optics technology
The re-formulation phase of the next generation x-ray observatory ATHENA (Advanced Telescope for High ENergy Astrophysics) - now NewATHENA - is being utilized for further improvements of the optics technology. The Silicon Pore Optics (SPO) remains the technology of choice, since it uniquely combines a low mass, large effective area, and good angular resolution, addressing the challenge of the NewATHENA X-ray optics. The performance and preparation for the cost-effective implementation of the flight optics is being further evolved in a joint effort by industry, research institutions and ESA. The SPO technology greatly benefits from investments in the semiconductor industry and maximizes technology spin-in. Dedicated facilities have been and are being created to produce the required mirror plates, assemble them into stacks and mirror modules, integrate them into the complete telescope and measure the performance and compatibility with the NewATHENA technical and programmatic requirements. An overview of the activities preparing the implementation of the NewATHENA optics is provided.