Conference Paper
Where would John doe want to standardise today?
Title Supplement
How analyses of the structure of formal standardisation can help researchers to decide where to standardise
The following paper proposes a methodology to devise a taxonomy that can enable researchers to identify specialised Technical Committees according to their research interests. The paper elaborates on two general issues to devise such as taxonomy. First the structure of R&D output measured by patent portfolios of organisations chairing Technical Committees is analysed in conjunction with the thematic focus of those Technical Committees. Second, the structure of the output of Technical Committees is analysed as the standards portfolio using data from the bibliographic database PERINORM. The developed taxonomy then links ICS classes on second level to the Technical Committees that are specialised in these fields. The paper focuses on Technical Committees at ETSI, CEN and CENELEC covering 351 ICS classes and 483 Technical Committees. Still, the method proposed can be used with any kind of SDO as long as data is available on the output of Technical Committees in this body. The paper is based on research conducted in the INTEREST funded by 6th Framwork Programme of the European Commission.