Journal Article
TYPHABOARD in the Restoration of Historic Black Sea Houses in Bulgaria
TYPHABOARD is a sustainable construction and thermal insulation board made of cattail (lat. typha) and magnesite as a binder. It is characterized by a unique combination of high mechanical strength, highly insulating properties, relatively high diffusion openness, inflammability, and a sustainable lifecycle. The TYPHABOARD concept includes ecological benefits related to the systematic planting of the raw material typha in Bulgaria, the production of TYPHABOARD, and its application as a stabilizing, insulating and passive indoor climate controlling element in the framework structure of the historic typology of the Black Sea House. The entire technological and organizational process provides a sustainable solution for the operation of peat areas by planting typha (which acts as a natural water and ground filter), for the engagement of work forces in structurally underdeveloped regions, for sustainable ecological and social regional development, as well as for the sustainable retrofit of existing historic Black Sea Houses. The building and ecological system TYPHABOARD can be successfully introduced and applied in Bulgaria. In addition to the scientific and the practical study, the political eligibility of this was proved and officially permitted by the relevant public bodies in Bulgaria.