Analysis of experience in the use of verifiable objectives - Examples from the Federal Republic of Germany, the former German Democratic Republic and the Netherlands
Title Supplement
Contribution to study no. 5.3 of the MONITOR-SPEAR-programme
At the request of the Commission of the European Communities DG XII, and as a part of the MONITOR-SPEAR Programme, an analysis of experiences with the use of verifiable objectives in publicly supported research and technological development programmes was to be carried out. The Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) worked on this project with the University of Manchester, Programme of Policy Research in Engineering, Science and Technology (PREST) and Professor Marciano da Silva, Universidade Nova in Lisbon. In recent years interest in the checking and verification of the effectiveness of publicly supported research and development (R&D) has grown. At the same time, the evaluation of R&D programmes has frequently become more difficult, as the goals are increasingly becoming qualitative, objectives may be altered in the course of the programme, and possible results - e.g. in basic research, - may not be foreseeable in advance. The study has the following aims: an overview of the use of verifiable objectives in publicly supported R&D in the USA, Japan, selected countries in the EC and in Eastern Europe; an ex ante, ongoing and ex post analysis of their use; a classification and various approaches, their application and an evaluation of their possible usefulness for R&D programmes of the EC Commission. The study was not intended as an exhaustive survey; rather, it concentrates on interesting examples in the countries selected. The ISI conducted the inquiry for the Federal Republic of Germany, for Eastern Europe (and in particular the former GDR), and for the Netherlands. The scientific capacity of one person-month was available to ISI for the investigation.
Fraunhofer ISI
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