Conference Paper
Applying model-based systems engineering for product engineering management: Concepts for industrial application
Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is regarded as the key to face the challenges of tomorrow's product engineering. Core of the MBSE is the so called system model, enabling a consistent specification of the product from different points of view. Nevertheless, we fear that the MBSE vision of INCOSE is not realistically achievable: There is much focus on the technical issues of MBSE, e.g. automatic code generation. But classical Systems Engineering (SE) issues and concerns driven by stakeholders as product managers or project management closely working together with the systems engineer are neglected. This is critical, as SE is a holistic approach, the mentioned stakeholders definitely gain benefits of the MBSE and they furthermore have the possibility to accelerate MBSE introduction due to budget concerns. Thus, there is a critical need to connect SE activities to the MBSE domain providing more acceptance to the approach. We present a concept to integrate SE and MBSE and exemplarily connect a stakeholder analysis as presentative method for SE and product management issues to the system model. The foundation for this approach is the comprehension of the distinction of model and view, e.g. proposed by ISO/IEC 42010.