Journal Article
Bemessung von Verbindungen mit Schließringbolzen im Maschinenbau. Tl.2: Rechenschritte in Anlehnung an VDI 2230 - Blatt 1
Other Title
Calculation of connections with lockbolts in mechanical engineering. Pt.2: Calculation steps according to VDI 2230 - Part 1
Lockbolts become increasingly important for modern mechanical engineering. The advantageous notch effect in consequence of a softer groove geometry, the larger stress cross section for the same nominal diameter and a lower scattering of preload results in the potential for increasing the load capacity of lockbolt systems in mechanical joints in comparison to conventional bolted connections. Consequently cost can be reduced with structural adjustments in mechanical engineering These include the reduction of the required nominal diameter and consequently the reduction of component dimensions. Furthermore savings in manufacturing and assembly as well as cost reduction for maintenance are possible. For the calculation of lockbolt systems in mechanical joints the Technical Bulletin DVS-EFB 3435-2 [3] is available now for design and calculation engineers. The Technical Bulletin allows to calculate connections with lockbolt systems according to VDI 2230 - Part 1 [4L This paper presents the calculation of connections with lockbolts in mechanical engineering with this Technical Bulletin. The modified calculation steps according to the VDI 2230 - Part 1 [4] will be demonstrated.