Conference Paper
How to properly plan coating processes: Planning with the tool "CoaTway"
Lackierprozesse optimal planen mit dem Planungstool "CoaTway"
In the development of the planning tool »CoaTway« (»Computer-aided strategic way for the planning of paint shops«) practice-relevant algorithms for data collection and processing, requirement specification, realization of ABC, trend and cost-benefit analyses, as well as for a link-up of check lists (e.g., tests, experiments) have been developed and modelled within an interactive system for the use by the paint user. The planning and prognosis system CoaTplan (»Computer-aided technology assessment for the planning of paint shops«) has been integrated as a module into the planning tool. In a further step, a strategic approach in the planning for innovative coating processes for the use in CoaTway by integrating knowledge-based search algorithms for allocation tasks with single technologies has been worked out. With the present experience of the Fraunhofer IPA in planning projects, for ten selected companies planning-relevant data has been collected and evaluated by the already existing method for the survey of the actual state. On the basis of the data acquisition, the development and modelling of practice-relevant algorithms took place. These were evaluated within the use cases in the selected companies. Thus, by CoaTway new efficient and ecological ways may be found without losing financial means and time in testing inapt technologies.