Conference Paper
A systematic literature review of requirements prioritization criteria
[Context & motivation] Requirements prioritization is typically applied in order to determine which requirements or features should be included in a certain release or implemented first. While most requirements prioritization approaches prescribe a fixed set of prioritization criteria that have to be assessed during the prioritization process, there is often a need for criteria that are customized to the specific project situation. [Question/problem] However, determining customized prioritization criteria is a time-consuming and laborious task. Instead of an in-depth analysis, criteria are often identified by gut feeling, which is error-prone and bears the risk of choosing misleading criteria. [Principal ideas/results] This paper aims at identifying and categorizing prioritization criteria discussed in the vast body of prioritization literature for software development. We describe a systematic literature review and, as a result, present a consolidated prioritization criteria model. [Contribution] Besides a comprehensive overview of prioritization criteria discussed in the literature, this paper introduces a classification schema that allows researchers and practitioners to identify prioritization criteria and related literature in a time-saving manner.