Journal Article
Admittance-voltage profiling of Al(x)Ga(1-x)N/GaN heterostructures: Frequency dependence of capacitance and conductance
Admittance-voltage profiling of Al(x)Ga(1-x)N/GaN heterostructures was used to determine the frequency dependent capacitance and conductance of FET devices in the frequency range from 50Hz to 1MHz. The nominally undoped low pressure metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy structures were grown with an Al-content of 30%. An additional 1nm thick AlN interlayer was placed in one structure before the Al0.3Ga0.7N layer growth. For frequencies below 10(8) Hz it is convenient to use equivalent circuits to represent electric or dielectric properties of a material, a method widely used, for example, in impedance spectroscopy. We want to emphasize the relation between frequency dependent admittance-voltage profiling and the corresponding equivalent circuits to the complex dielectric function. Debye and Drude models are used for the description of the frequency dependent admittance profiles in a range of depletion onset of the two-dimensional electron gas. Capacitance- and conductance-frequency profiles are fitted in the entire measured range by combining both models. Based on our results, we see contributions to the two-dimensional electron gas for our samples from surface states (80%) as well as from background doping in the Al0.3Ga0.7N barriers (20%). The specific resistance of the layers below the gate is above 10(5) cm for both samples and increases with increasing negative bias, i.e., the layers below the gate are essentially depleted. We propose that the resistance due to free charge carriers, determined by the Drude model, is located between gate and drain and, because of the AlN interlayer, the resistance is lowered by a factor of about 30 if compared to the sample without an AlN layer.