Conference Paper
Outdoor Experimental Characterization of Novel High-Efficiency High-Concentrator Photovoltaic (HCPV) modules Using Achromatic Doublet on Glass (ADG) Fresnel Lenses as Primary Optics
In this paper we present a comprehensive outdoor experimental characterization of the first modules assembled using the Achromatic Doublet on Glass (ADG) Fresnel lens technology. First, only the elementary units comprising one lens and one cell are investigated: the electrical performance is measured varying the cell-lens distance in order to identify the optimal focal distance. Second, a mono-module (module composed of one lens and one solar cell) has been assembled and installed on a two-axis tracker where it has been continuously measured between June and October 2018. Also, a mono-module including conventional Silicone on Glass (SoG) Fresnel lenses has been assembled and used as benchmark. Results demonstrated that the achromatic design of the ADG lenses used as Primary Optical Elements (POE) provides a significantly reduced temperature dependency of the module performance. The performance is maintained constant throughout the whole measurement period enhancing the energy output over time.