Journal Article
Measurement of Local Recombination Activity in High Diffusion Length Semiconductors
We present a conceptual approach for the localisation and characterisation of local sites of recombination in high diffusion length semiconductors under photovoltaic field conditions. While established imaging techniques operate in this very regime of uniform "1 sun" illumination, inevitable lateral diffusion of charge carriers veils the origin and severity of localised recombination sites. To reduce this limitation due to lateral diffusion the natural choice is using focussed charge carrier excitation and detection in combination with scanning the specimen. The resulting photoluminescence intensity maps are of high spatial resolution and may be composed of a superposition of a multitude of recombination active defects influencing each other due to the high bulk diffusion length. We demonstrate the feasibility of a self-consistent calibration of the setup quantum efficiency in such experimental condition which delivers a charge carrier density map in absolute units. A solution is presented to disentangle the superposition of local sites of recombination to isolate the actual recombination activity of every site. We demonstrate the feasibility of the approach experimentally on the high diffusion length semiconductor silicon.