Conference Paper
Solar process heat-system design for selected low-temperature applications in the industry
Industrial process heat accounts for more than 20 % of the final energy consumption of the European Union. This sector is a very promising but also challenging application field for solar thermal technology. In this paper, the potential of solar thermal systems to generate heat for industrial processes is described and the state-of-the-art is discussed. The IEE dissemination project SO-PRO, which works on decreasing the barriers for solar process heat generation is introduced. Interim project achievements and results are presented. In the project, a Design Guide, promoting a holistic planning approach for low-temperature solar process heat was elaborated. The most important conclusions for solar thermal system design for four industrial applications are summarized on the following pages. Complementary to the guide, the usage of design nomograms and their limitations are illustrated in detail. A system design example for a cleaning process is also discussed.