Conference Paper
Development and application of a highstrength integration zone between FRP and metal parts
Other Title
Entwicklung und Anwendungspotenzial einer hochfesten FVK-Metall-Integrationszone
Current developments are documenting the pivotal role of multimaterial concepts in automobile lightweight design today. In such concepts, the number of fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP), representing the highest weight saving potential, is increasing. Nevvertheless, metal parts are indispensable, because certain properties, such as crash behavior or a cost-efficient production, cannot be sufficiently covered by FRP. Joining both materials is currently achieved through adhesive bonding or mechanical joining techniques (riveting). However, in this way, the joining zone does not combine the properties of both materials. Within the German Excellence Cluster "Technologies for Multifunctional Lightweight Structures MERGE" (EXC 1075), a central focus is on the development of an integration zone between panel-shaped FRP and metal parts. To achieve this, the metal surfaces have been structured, and both parts pressed together with a small overlap in a specially designed process. This results in an integration zone between the FRP and the metal part, which shows almost the same thickness as the starting panels and which, through integration of the force bearing fibres directly into the metal structure, features very high strength. Upon load tests, it is the parent material that fails. This patented integration/joining method represents a completely novel technology and doubtless has a very high potential for future application.