Conference Paper
Correlations of seat pressure distribution and perception of (dis)comfort in autonomous driving to parametrize digital human models
While the driving position in a human-operated car restricts the driver´s body to a certain functional position, dictated by the requirements of observing the surrounding while having all the necessary controls in reach, for highly automated vehicles (SAE level 3 and up), these restrictions are lowered. This new freedom allows to perform non-driving-related tasks along with new seating positions including resting. The current driving simulator study explores possible correlations between the subjective perception of (dis)comfort and the bodies´ motion, tracked by seat pressure mats and motion tracking sensors. The participants were confronted with evasive maneuvers with notable accelerations in lateral direction and yaw angle, while being seated in three different conditions in the driver´s seat inside driving simulator RODOS. (1) an alert condition, with their hands on the steering wheel, (2) a hands-free condition, where the seat was still in upright position, but the attention was not necessarily on the road, and (3), a reclined position, lying back in a reclined seat. This work identifies a correlation between the seat pressure distribution and the subjective (dis)comfort and shows its independence to the seating condition.