Conference Paper
System integration of micro-tubular SOFC for a LPG-fueled portable power generator
The micro-tubular cell design opens up a promising technology path to the application of Solid Oxide Fuels Cells (SOFC) in very small devices. In contrast to low temperature fuel cells, SOFCs may be operated very easily with available fuels like lighter gas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The utilization of those gaseous fuels requires only a simple prereforming step, e.g. based on catalytic partial oxidation (cPOX). The German start-up company eZelleron has developed a low-cost, mass-producible, micro-tubular SOFC design based on injection molded substrates and electrophoretically deposed electrolyte layers. The single cells have a dimension of 3 (dia.) by 45 mm and deliver up to 1.5 W(el) at a fuel utilization of 65 %. In a collaborative project, eZelleron and the Fraunhofer IKTS wor k together on the system integration of those micro-tubular SOFCs for a LPG-fueled portable power generator with a net power output of 25 W(el). The system is expected to provide the technology platform for a first commercial product of the company. The four-year project is publicly funded by the Free State of Saxony and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). In this contribution, a brief overview of the development project is given with emphasis on the conceptual approach and the technological solutions for system integration of microtubular SOFC.