Journal Article
A targetable 'rogue' neutrophil-subset, [CD11b+DEspR+] immunotype, is associated with severity and mortality in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and COVID-19-ARDS
Neutrophil-mediated secondary tissue injury underlies acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and progression to multi-organ-failure (MOF) and death, processes linked to COVID-19-ARDS. This secondary tissue injury arises from dysregulated neutrophils and neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) intended to kill pathogens, but instead cause cell-injury. Insufficiency of pleiotropic therapeutic approaches delineate the need for inhibitors of dysregulated neutrophil-subset(s) that induce subset-specific apoptosis critical for neutrophil function-shutdown. We hypothesized that neutrophils expressing the pro-survival dual endothelin-1/VEGF-signal peptide receptor, DEspR, are apoptosis-resistant like DEspR+ cancer-cells, hence comprise a consequential pathogenic neutrophil-subset in ARDS and COVID-19-ARDS. Here, we report the significant association of increased peripheral DEspR+CD11b+ neutrophil-counts with severity and mortality in ARDS and COVID-19-ARDS, and intravascular NET-formation, in contrast to DEspR[-] neutrophils. We detect DEspR+ neutrophils and monocytes in lung tissue patients in ARDS and COVID-19-ARDS, and increased neutrophil RNA-levels of DEspR ligands and modulators in COVID-19-ARDS scRNA-seq data-files. Unlike DEspR[-] neutrophils, DEspR+CD11b+ neutrophils exhibit delayed apoptosis, which is blocked by humanized anti-DEspR-IgG4S228P antibody, hu6g8, in ex vivo assays. Ex vivo live-cell imaging of Rhesus-derived DEspR+CD11b+ neutrophils showed hu6g8 target-engagement, internalization, and induction of apoptosis. Altogether, data identify DEspR+CD11b+ neutrophils as a targetable ‘rogue’ neutrophil-subset associated with severity and mortality in ARDS and COVID-19-ARDS.