Conference Paper
Context-aware smart environments enabling new business models and services
This work describes innovative smart environments with embedded context-awareness technologies, enabling new business models and consequently the creation of new services. The context-awareness framework presented in this paper is taken from the results of an EU Framework Programme (FP) 7 Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) project. Major novelties include a business shift from traditional and conventional telecommunication or ICT services towards highly personalized, customized and user targeted services, empowered by a myriad of pervasive and ubiquitous interconnected environments employing various kinds of context information. In this work, we show how these context data can be technically made available as a service and business enabler and be used by any entity or application built within these environments, using context for adapting service logic or for targeted service customization. Moreover, it considers customer's needs and privacy aspects, prov iding users with a more immersive and less intrusive experience at the same time.