Journal Article
Temporal distinguishability in Hong-Ou-Mandel interference for harnessing high-dimensional frequency entanglement
High-dimensional quantum entanglement is currently one of the most prolific fields in quantum information processing due to its high information capacity and error resilience. A versatile method for harnessing high-dimensional entanglement has long been hailed as an absolute necessity in the exploration of quantum science and technologies. Here we exploit Hong-Ou-Mandel interference to manipulate discrete frequency entanglement in arbitrary-dimensional Hilbert space. The generation and characterization of two-, four- and six-dimensional frequency entangled qudits are theoretically and experimentally investigated, allowing for the estimation of entanglement dimensionality in the whole state space. Additionally, our strategy can be generalized to engineer higher-dimensional entanglement in other photonic degrees of freedom. Our results may provide a more comprehensive understanding of frequency shaping and interference phenomena, and pave the way to more complex high-dimensional quantum information processing protocols.