Conference Paper
Research organ for pipe organ research at the Fraunhofer IBP in Stuttgart
Throughout the world, musical instruments are deeply rooted in cultural traditions. They are part of our cultural heritage, and their preservation and further development deserves our utmost attention. For many years, the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP has been engaged in the research of European musical instruments, the pipe organ in particular. To preserve its sound, to give support in building instruments as well as to contribute to the further development by integrating modern technologies are the focus of the joint research with other research institutions and a multitude of European organ building enterprises. To deepen and disseminate the knowledge on sound, which was gained, as well as to combine tradition and innovation, it was possible to develop comprehensive tools. For the first time ever, a research pipe organ is available for researchers. Its transparent and unique scope of design allows the demonstration of research results, the investigation of technical and sound problems in organ building as well as the audible testing of sound ideas. This organ will contribute to further develop our knowledge on sound; it also allows new connections of art and science, of music and physics. In this context it is now discussed why the research organ was necessary, which research results can be demonstrated, what are the specific characteristics of the research organ and what significance does this new instrument have for future research.