Using static modes to correct the modal approach for making state space models of piezo-mechanical vibration systems
Title Supplement
Presentation held at 7th International Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems in Piezoelectricity, October 4th to 7th, 2011, Oer-Erkenschwick, Germany
Describing the vibration behaviour of piezo--mechanical systems is essential for the sucessful application of piezoelectric sensors and actuators for vibration control of mechanical systems like high precision machine tools. The use of detailed finite element models for the integration in control design and system simulation is expensive and therefore not suitable. Reduced state space models have to be used for this task. Modal transformation is a common method to get reduced state space models out of detailed finite element models of mechanical systems. For piezo--mechanical systems the static characteristics of the electric field has to be considered in order to achieve a correct mapping of the electrical input/output behaviour, aka impedance. Therefore in this talk the use of static deformation modes due to electrical loads in conjunction with the modal transformation will be demonstrated for piezo--mechanical systems. Thereby both potential exitation and charge exitation will be discussed. The influence of the static modes not only on the impedance but also on stress/strain output signals of the state space models will be shown.