Evaluation of the efficiency and environmental impact of fire suppressants for forest fire fighting
Title Supplement
Poster presented at International Conference on Forest-Fires and WUI Fires 2016, 25-27 May 2016, Aix-en-Provence
In recent years, the incidence of large-scale forest fires has increased significantly in many parts of the world due to various factors such as climate change, urbanization, insufficient landscape management and criminal activities. As a consequence of that more efficient countermeasures should be developed and implemented to better protect population and forest ecosystem. These proposes will be realized thorough the project "Advanced Forest Fire Fighting" (AF3). In this project two innovative systems will be established. An active countermeasure such as small water bombs called pellets can be dropped from fire-fighting planes even at night. Secondly a passive countermeasure consists of a sprinkler like capsule system which is deployed in the forest and filled with fire suppressants. Furthermore the integration of an early warning system by satellites, aircraft, drones and also mobile plus stationary ground systems for the early detection of fire and for tracking the spread of smoke and toxic gas clouds takes place. This information is collected by the innovative crisis management "AF3 Core Expert Engine", which takes over the overall coordination of the forest fire fighting. This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no.