Conference Paper
Reducing asymmetric imaging errors through selective assembly and tolerance desensitization
Asymmetric imaging errors are frequently the main cause for tight tolerances and high demands on manufacture and assembly of optical systems. In order to simultaneously increase robustness and reduce manufacturing cost, desensitization strategies can be applied. Tolerance effects have been included into the optimization function (merit function) by some lens designers to find insensitive designs1-5 and frequently compensators are employed to further improve the performance of assembled lenses. Compensators are limited to a small number of system parameters, but selective assembly of components can extend the number of parameters available for compensation. It can be employed to reduce tolerance effects of disturbed parameters by finding the best matches out of a set of components. The potential of using tolerance desensitization in conjunction with selective assembly to reduce asymmetric errors in imaging optical systems is investigated. A focus is given on strategies t o find tolerance insensitive design forms under the presence of selective assembly compensators and the selection of suitable parameters for desensitization and measurement.