Journal Article
BREM-STAR and TIGER-STAR: A small satellite concept for thermospheric-ionospheric 3D monitoring
The BREM-STAR/TIGER-STAR satellite represents a dedicated low-cost concept for 3D monitoring of the thermosphere/ionosphere (T/I) to be conducted during an overlapping period of the ISS SOLAR mission. The primary goal is to execute precise radiometric measurements of the variable solar and terrestrial extreme ultraviolet/Ultraviolet (EUV) radiation and their impact on the T/I system. In combination with high-frequency measurements of the Earth's magnetic field over a period of two year the interaction of the solar wind with the upper atmospheric region will be investigated. Additional two-fequency GPS measurements allow to derive Total Electron Content (TEC). The TEC values will be correlated with the solar EUV/UV and solar wind inputs to improve the correction algorithms for a broad range of applications in the fields of space communication and navigation. In the frame of the TIGER program the development of more accurate models of the thermosphere/ionosphere shall be supported by this proposed project. The scientific payload and its implications on the satellite system are described.